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Jumat, 22 Januari 2010



     The earthquake energy release is an event that caused the dislocation (shift) in the interior of the earth all of a sudden that earthquakes can not our previous forecast.
     An earthquake is a disaster that could kill many people due to an earthquake is unpredictable, so the resonance of a sudden. The earthquake was not the murder victim as the cause but only because the killing is the material around the people, most of the victims trapped in rubble.
Causes Earthquake occurrence
1. Due to the movement of tectonic processes of skin / plate earth
2. Fault activity on the surface of the earth
3. Geomorphology movement locally, for example, occurs debris land
4. Volcanic activity
5. Nuclear explosion
A. Volcanic Earthquake
     Earthquakes are caused by volcanic activity.
B. Tectonic Earthquake
     Earthquakes are caused by collisions or a shift in the Earth's plates.
C. Terban Earthquakes
     Earthquakes are caused by debris or soil cave.
     Damage occurs due to earthquake vibrations dirambatkan energy to all parts of the earth. On the surface of the earth, the vibrations can cause damage and collapse of buildings. Earthquake vibrations can also trigger landslides, debris seabed rocks. The earthquake also caused a fire follow-up disaster, accident, even a tsunami wave that is due to the seabed rock debris.
    How do I save myself in case of earthquake: for the vibrations will be felt for a moment. During that period, you must seek the safety of themselves and people around. Go to the bottom of the table to protect the body from dropping objects. If you do not have a table, cover her head with a pillow for his head is a very important organ.
 Efforts Earthquake Disaster Reduction
1. Must be built with a vibration resistant construction / earthquake, especially in earthquake prone areas.
2. Strengthening the building by following the quality standards of building
3. Education and outreach to the community about the dangers of earthquakes and how - how to escape in     case of earthquakes.
4. Always pray for protection from the god.

Excerpted from various sources such as wikiepedia etc.                      

created by  Jevin M Reza Pahlawan (XII IPA3/20)



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