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Sabtu, 05 Desember 2009

Human reproductive system

Human reproductive system

    Do you know how people can have offspring? How can a woman get pregnant?
Let us learn about reproduction in humans, if you know what it is reproduction? Reproduction is the basic way for living things to menghasiilkan descendants?
Reproduction is divided into 2, namely:
1. Sexsual reproduction.
2. Asexsual reproduction.
    Reproduction occurs in humans in sexsual reproduction is done between a man and a woman. First we will discuss the internal organs of men and women:
A. In Men
    In the male reproductive organ is the penis and testes, the testes are producing sperm, so the male sperm formation occurs phase, called phase of spermatogenesis. Spermatogenesis occurred in semeniferus tubules, the seminiferous tubule wall has occurred candidates sperm (spermatogonia), amounting to thousands. Each spermatogonia experiencing the first meiotic division to form secondary spermatocytes 1 and perform the process again until finally the mature sperm, and after going to the epididymis mature.
    Structure of mature sperm consists of head, neck, middle, and tail. At the head membawasperma functioning akrosom through the uterine wall. Every human being doing ejaculation can issue approximately 400 million sperm cells.
B. On Women
    If the man produces sperm while the female produces an egg cell. Reproductive organs in women is vaginal. In the female reproductive hormones are as follows: LH (Luteining hormone), FSH (Folicle Stimulating Hormone), Estrogen, Progesterone.
    The hormone estrogen causes endometrial thickening of the walls so the walls become thick and rich with blood. Meanwhile, the ongoing real egg egg cell formation (oogenesis). The formation of egg cells will stimulate the production of LH in the blood resulting in ovulation (egg release). The hormone progesterone in the blood will increase, so will inhibit the production of estrogen. Increased progesterone causes the endometrial wall thickening and prevent further konstraksi prepare the uterus for pregnancy, but if not fertilized by a sperm (fertilization), then menstrual phase occurred.
C. After we learn the organ in men and women is not happening phase conception (fertilization). Fertilization is the phase of the cell fusion of sperm and ovum. At the time of ejaculation into the female reproductive, sperm will remain alive for several days. While the ovum will remain fertile for 24 hours after ovulation. After the sperm enters the uterus, contractions of the uterine wall will bring the sperm approaching the ovum.
When sperm meets an ovum, then immediately changes aimed at preventing other sperm entry. Normally sperm loses its tail when in fertilized ovum, because sperm are haploid head will swell and form a male pronokleus. Pronokleus males and females of pronokleus egg will form a zygote, then the zygote is driven by the ciliated oviduct toward the uterus. After moving into the uterine wall zygote will move into the embryo and fetus will become. This is the process of human reproduction.


2 komentar:

smansa mengatakan...

Score:B Good work!

-well-explained, nice pictures
-always mention the source

Mr T

Anonim mengatakan...

thanks give me spirit

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